Spring is in the air and Easter is literally tomorrow! This year time has somehow slipped away from me but nonetheless, everything is ready and set for Easter! I try not to go too overboard with Easter baskets since we always end up getting so much for Christmas and birthdays. Also, I don’t think I can handle any more toys coming into this house. I see a major purge coming in our near future. But yes, back to the baskets! The majority of the items are from the Target dollar spot and Five Below. These days my son has been really into breaking things and taking things apart that we’ve been avoiding purchasing anything too expensive. We’ve also been spending a lot of time outside lately so I wanted to include items we could use outdoors or during the summer like slide sandals and bubbles. A book is always included in each basket but this year I opted for an activity book instead since the kids have been enjoying them lately. Every year I get them a classic chocolate bunny (they never really eat the entire thing and I usually end up finishing them, which of course I don’t mind), and some small toys to play with. This year I included fidget tubes and mini poppers that are very popular right now. I prefer non-candy items for the plastic eggs and usually fill them with erasers, stickers, little balls, matchbox cars, and anything else that may fit in there. My kids are obsessed with stuffed toys so these cuddly Peeps will be sure to make them smile!
You’ll notice that the two baskets are identical which I don’t normally plan. However, lately my two kids (ages 5 & 3) are in a fight over everything possible stage so lately we’ve just been getting two of the same thing which has been working for us at the moment.

Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
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