There’s something about Easter candies that just scream super cute! While browsing down the aisles of Easter filled goodies, I can’t avoid looking at those cute darn things! So, naturally, I decided to make an activity with them.
Patterns are a great way to introduce early math skills. It also helps to build and develop visual perception and logical thinking. You can also talk about colors, work on sequencing, and certain positional vocabulary words such as right, left, front, behind, next, etc. I was so excited to give these a try with my daughter because I knew she would love them, and she did! She couldn’t stop raving on about how cute they were and how she loved the colors. It was a wonderful activity learning about patterns and I’m pretty sure the visuals helped keep her engaged.
Here is the link to the *EASTER PATTERN ACTIVITY* in my shop if you want to give it a try!
I hope that your little one will enjoy it as much as we did!

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