Do your kiddos love sensory play? Then have a try at a Valentine’s themed sensory bin for a festive fun activity! Sensory bins doesn’t have to be complicated at all and the beauty of it is that you can put anything that you want inside. I always keep a bunch of sensory bases on hand. Some of the ones we love are crinkled paper, dried pasta, water (always a go-to!), cotton balls, and of course my kids’ favorite, pom poms! I always have a set of scoops, spoons, tongs, measuring cups and anything that they can scoop and pour with stashed inside a small container with the sensory bases. That way everything is in one location and it makes setting up sensory bins extremely easy! I have never spent more than 5 minutes setting up a sensory bin!

For this particular Valentine themed sensory bin, I added some small heart shaped favor boxes that we got from Michaels a few years ago, some heart shaped cupcake liners that we got from the dollar store, and some prints from our Valentine’s Play Dough Mats. The wonderful thing about printables is that they can be used for numerous activities. A play dough mat doesn’t have to be used just for play dough. Printables can be very open ended!
Every time we do sensory play with my littles, I place down a flat sheet on the floor. This minimizes the mess and contains it (somewhat) and makes clean up a lot easier when the kids are finished their play! Adding fun themes to sensory play can be exciting and inviting for children! If your little ones enjoy sensory play, give this idea a try!
If you are interested in grabbing the Valentine’s Play Dough Mats, below is the link!
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