Our Favorite Springtime Bug Books

With Spring at full peak and the gorgeous flowers at bloom, there’s something else that comes awakening during Springtime… the mini beasts! If I’m being fully transparent with you, I am deathly afraid of bugs. And not just the scream like a girl because I find them gross afraid (although that happens too), but I’m more on the phobia level. To be honest I have no idea when this fear began because I remember catching dragonflies when I was a child, and petting caterpillars, and rolling up those little potato bugs or rollie pollies as we use to call it. But somewhere along in life, I found them to be frightening. It could have been from when I found a daddy long leg crawling up my leg, or had a giant moth land on my forehead, or any of those surprising moments of finding a mini beast on you unexpectedly. 

I didn’t want the same fear to reflect onto my kids. Children will learn to be afraid of what we are afraid of. And every time they see me screaming because of a bug, they learn that those are apparently things to be afraid of. And so, I have been trying to expose them as much as possible with books and insect figurines to educate them on the magnificence of these wonder beasts. And they truly are magnificent! Our favorites by far are Some Bugs and Bug Homes — although the Hungry Little Caterpillar will always have a place in our hearts as well. We particularly love these two books because they show a variety of different bugs within each book and although they are a short and easy read, they are very educational as well for younger kiddos. We pair our books with our insect figurines and call the bugs our friends. Exploring and learning about insects has brought a fascination and interest to my children and hopefully it will eventually curb the fear out of myself as well. So tell me, are you a bug lover or do they creep you out also?

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