How much time do you spend during the day to simply care for yourself? I don’t mean an all out trip to the spa or laying around and day dreaming for hours. But even just a few minutes to make sure that you’re taken care of too? Unfortunately for me, it was close to nothing nearly every day. And this went on for a few years. Can you relate?
After finally feeling so worn out and wondering if I move another step, if I would keel over, I decided to try something new this year. As a working mom, running a business with my husband, educating my two kids due to the pandemic, caring for two elderly dogs, and also trying to start a new business venture — I tend to spread myself too thin. Working throughout the late night, working during the kid’s naps, and having an endless list of to do tasks that never seem to get shorter. The exhaustion and the stress has finally caught up with me and I realized that in order for me to thrive as a mom and also be able to do everything else, I have to be in a good place also. So I came up with an idea of having a self care week and will be sticking to it! The last week of the month I am going to slow down any extra tasks, push aside things that can be pushed to later — and get some decent sleep, rest my mind, and tune out to make sure my body and mind is taken care of.
Are you taking the proper time to care for yourself? I feel as parents we tend to put ourselves last on our daily list, but it’s so important to have some time for self care.
Self Care Week

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