I wanted to start implementing some writing into some of our activities for my 4 year old daughter so that she can have a little preparation before going to school. She already loves arts and crafts so she’s been holding crayons and colored pencils for quite some time. But for some reason she wasn’t into writing. We offered her a variety of supplies to do mark making, and while she enjoyed that, she didn’t want to “learn” how to write letters or her name. We tried those super sized workbooks that included all types of tracing, we had those write and wipe books, but none of it really caught her interest. I decided she wasn’t ready at the moment and would introduce it again at a later time.
I started to think of how I could incorporate her interest into this type of activity. She absolutely loves cute little things, pretty colors, and drawing pictures. And so, the tracing workbook was born. I created this tracing pack with her and children like her in mind. Who needs a bit more visual appeal to catch interest. That had cute pictures to enjoy and bring happiness while practicing writing. And most importantly I added a little Pip Squeak marker to go along with it in her favorite color, purple. Not only are they super darn cute, but they are really short so it helps them practice holding it with the proper grip since they have to hold it pretty close to the writing point. A plus and a plus!

She has been LOVING this book that I made for her. I laminated the sheets and placed them into a binder and currently we only do a few at a time. I don’t want to overwhelm her and have her trace the entire book, unless she wants to. Always follow the child. This book is filled with lines, shapes, and pictures that encourage the practice of horizontal, vertical, and slanted lines as well as circles which will help prepare for alphabet letter writing and pen control. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Here is a link to it in my shop if you would like to have one for yourself!

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